Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time to go . .

So today is the day we set out on our adventure. My sister flew in yesterday and we had a wonderful dinner out. We are having a home cooked meal before we leave today. We have been busy making sure we have everything packed. Going over things triple time. I'm sure despite all of our preparations there will be at least one thing forgotten. I hope to post tomorrow from England. Onward ho!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

First Europe Trip

So I'm going to finally make it out of the country. I had originally planned on just going to Italy, touring from Venice, Rome, and down to Sicily. But what the heck, why not see as much as possible, the odds are I won't be able to get back there. So its London, Paris and Rome in a whirlwind 12 day trip.

I enlisted the companionship of my sister. I just couldn't go alone, I had to share this adventure with someone. I love my husband, truly, but he just isn't the vacation type. My sister is an early riser, understands the importance of go go go and far above deserves this trip far more than I.

Due to work constraints the only time I felt that I could get away for two whole weeks, with NO communication with the office was in the heat of summer. Besides, we have offices in each of the cities we are going to, theoretically I can go check in, NOT!!!! Argh - August, well what do you do?

I hope to post updates daily, via skype and my iphone, as well as pics. Looking forward to an enjoyable, but unlikely relaxing 2 weeks.

Watch for updates starting August 13th.

Bon Voyage!!