Thursday, January 1, 2009

Clipping Wings

I took Scooby in yesterday to have her wings clipped. I'm often conflicted on this subject. On one hand, it's nice that she can move about on her own, but then their are problems of having her move about on her on. Having flight capabilities also lends itself to a higher status sense and therefore she tends to be more aggressive and bitey. I can (and do) handle the playful biting, the warning nip, but she has recently been just a bit too much to take. There is also the fact that she seems to be constantly flying to me. I seem to have no peace lately. She recently learned she can fly to the ground to get things she has dropped. Unfortunately there are many other things on the floor that she shouldn't have as well. Being on the floor also brings with it the possibility of being stepped on.

After coming back from the vets office, Scooby was very subdued and quiet. She crawled to the back of the cage and sulked. There was no soothing we can do. I coaxed her out after a bit and cuddled her and showed her she was still loved. And for the rest of the day I didn't hardly hear a sound out of her. She sat on her cage, played quietly and actually napped just a little bit. The Boyfriend and I held her off and on throughout the day. This I had to admit was very nice. I didn't have to worry about her flying into the kitchen after me, flying over to snatch food out of my hand, but I feel sad that she doesn't have that freedom.

She'll adjust . . .snap out of the quiet and subdued mode only too soon. We will be her wings, her taxi. She will be vocal about her needs and wishes. Back to the noise of the house. Until her wings grow out and we have to do this all over again.

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