Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to work . . . but off again

I'm back to work today after being off of work last week. A much needed break from the daily grind of number crunching.

Don't get me wrong here, time off is great, but too much time off can actually be a bad thing when there are deadlines to meet, especially at the close of a month coupled with the close of the year. I find out today that we not only have Thursday and Friday off (although the finance dept will be in for part of the day, but we also have off Wednesday. How the heck do they expect me to get all my work done when they keep giving me all these days off! That sounds crazy, I know!! I don't want to have to work late to make up for a day off. I hate working late. I'd rather work a partial day.

So how can I have time to write this blog? Because I'm waiting for a report to refresh and I couldn't resist the urge to blog. I'll most likely be back again.