Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What a way to start the day . . .

It's Christmas Eve and of course I can't even sleep in. I've heard the newspaper hit the porch, the garbage truck has picked up the garbage, car tires spinning their way out of their parking spots. Its raining, finally not snowing. It's going to be in the 40's today.

I get up, put on my slippers and bathrobe and head on out to get the paper. Well, might as well bring in the garbage can and lid which is haphazardly laying in the middle of the sidewalk. I grab an umbrella. (I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and never, ever owned an umbrella until I moved to New York 12 years ago)

Off the porch I go to fetch the pail, and WHAM! out goes my feet and down on my ass I go, hitting all 5 brick stairs on the way down. There I was on the sidewalk, slippers having flown off somewhere behind me, umbrella all askew and thanking god no one was around to see me. I laugh because I know just how absolutely hilarious that had to look. I take stock of my parts, all there, albeit bruised. I carefully arise, barefoot, and still slipping around. It's all ice!!! I attempt a step to the sidewalk to retrieve the pail, but there is no way. To hell with the pail, and so I very very careful go back up the stairs I have comically come down and slink back into the house.

Thankfully I am very well padded on my backside and only hitting on one side of the derriere going down I didn't bruise my tail bone. . . this time. (Oh this is far from the first time this has occurred). In the house, I sit for a few minutes to gather myself and my son joins me in the kitchen as he has actually awoken early too. We have a laugh over the morning events while I cook him something to eat.

So that's how I started my Christmas Eve. I am only concerned that come Christmas morning I won't be thinking this is so funny. Only time will tell. And I will tell.

Please have a safe and wonderful Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! (next time use a capital "G" for God)
