Friday, December 26, 2008

The Radio

My son having been driving the car for 6 months now (and recently having passed the rite of first crash) had asked for a car stereo a few months back. The left side speakers intermittently work.

My boyfriend is convinced that due to him listening to the radio too loud, with the bass on high, the he has blown the speaker. My son has done research and is convinced that there is written documentation that lists the left side speaker issue with the stock stereo for this car and simply replacing the stereo will fix it. I, as usual, am forced on the fence. And this has always been a bone of contention within the house . . . taking sides . . . or more precisely, the lack of taking sides.

So I decided to purchase a new car stereo for a Christmas present for my son, have it installed and see if it resolves the issue, if not, then purchase speakers. Case solved, you would think.

The purchase only causes greater issues with me "taking sides". Unfortunately, by having purchased the stereo, I have only ingrained my "status" of having taken my sons side. But quite honestly, it is my way of systematically eliminating causes to find the answer. How can not having a new stereo system in the car be a bad thing?

I took the stereo in for installation and was told I would need an "installation kit", only $15. Off to Best Buy I go, yeah the Friday after Christmas. But to my surprise, at 11 am it is relatively quite and sparsely populated. I purchased the kit and, just in case, I purchased a pair of speakers, with the intent that if needed, I had them, if not, return them. See I hadn't take sides, I bought the speakers, just in case.

I returned to the installation place, explained that if necessary, I had purchased speakers, but to only use if needed. So after all was said and done, the speakers were not needed. The speakers are all working fine, so far. I hope that they continue to work. Not to take sides, just the less expense of speakers.

So I trek back to Best Buy to return the speakers. And what a difference a few hours had made. It had turned into a mad house. To my horror, the "Customer Service" line snaked through various isles of the music section. This was just not worth it. I bag this for another day as I have 30 days to return the speakers.

So I can only hope that the speakers continue to work without issue. What if, due to the enhanced stereo system, my son now starts to listen to the music even louder and actually does blow a speaker. If he blows the left one, well there is no way of convincing "anyone" that the speaker wasn't already blown as I couldn't say for certain either. I suppose I'll have to cross that bridge if necessary.

Good night all.

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