Sunday, July 26, 2009

Empty Nest

So at last I will be in the category of "Empty Nesters". Sigh, my son has taken the step to move into his own apartments. I have very mixed emotions on this. I wish him well, and I'm very excited, but also there is the overwhelming feeling of loss. He will only be 15 minutes away, I'll probably see him frequently but not everyday. I won't know if he's home safe every night. I must resist the nightly phone calls. I won't know if he is up in the morning in time for work. I must resist the morning phone calls. Will his clothes not be wrinkled? I think there will need to be a weaning off period. I figure that I will be over to ensure his apt is properly clean, provide home made food, ironing service and of course the never ending much despised "advise". I'm pretty confident that he'll do just fine . . . don't they all?

And then, what do I do with me? I have very little to look forward to now. What will I do to occupy my time. I think I will revist and "dive head first" back into knitting. There's also my sewing that I can try to get into. As empty as I may feel, I am also excited about this chapter of my life.


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