Saturday, January 9, 2010

A New Year/A New Beginning

So another year, another chance to better myself. How many more chances will I pass up? I vow every year to improve, but alas, all seems to stay the same. Motivation, will, desire . . . they all seem to allude me.

What will the year bring? Heartache I am sure as by father-in-law had a stroke last autumn and is currently on a respirator, feeding tube and basically non coherent. I worry about my mother in law's health as she struggles to get on with her life while still having the strength to face her husbands situation. We help as much as possible, but she is so used to doing it all and it's hard for her to slow down or ask for help.

One of my better half's close friends recently was diagnosed with something similar to ALS. This is hard to deal with as he sees the deterioration that this disease causes.

I'm sure there will be upsides. I will relish these as they occur. It's the little things that come along that one overlooks that we should be delighted in. This is my resolution. Enjoy the little things. It is the finding joy in everyday that I hope will enhance my outlook, make me happy with my life.

I hope you too will find the little things in life to lift you up and carry you forward. Forward to the next little thing. It is only in this manner that one can endure life's ups and down.

Happy New Year to all! Enjoy!

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