Saturday, January 16, 2010

The weekend

Another weekend upon me. I can't seem to bring myself to do anything though. I just want to sit and chill. But there are things to do.

I must make it to the bank before it closes.
I need to refill my prescription which requires a call to the doctor, yeah I know I need to come in, just refill my prescription OK!
The toilet still needs to be fixed
My bedroom is a disaster
The laundry needs done
I need to go buy that book

And here I sit, posting this damn blog. Maybe this will be my inspiration . . HA, I can hope. But I have been productive already today. I made blueberry pancakes . . homemade with fresh blueberries! I gave the bird a bath, I took the Christmas ornaments out of the front window, I washed the dishes. I mean, what more do I have to do. It is the weekend, right? When do I get to rest??

Well off I go . . . lets see what gets done . . . .

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